Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tomorrow Needs You

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.

According to the World Health Organization, 800,000 people die by suicide each year. It's estimated that for every death there are at least 20 additional attempts.

Here is what I know:

Deciding to stay alive might be the hardest and bravest thing someone can do, because lies are loud, and sometimes pain demands more than we have to give. Being a person is hard, and hope is not always as easy as it should be.

Here is what else I know:

You have a light to shine and a story to tell. You're still becoming. So please stay. Be. Become. Break and then be stronger for it. Celebrate every tiny victory and believe in the good things coming. Tomorrow needs you.

The hard things are worth talking about and help is worth asking for. Let's love big and be kinder than we have to be. Let's be gentle with ourselves and with each other. Let's be safe places and fight to make our voices heard. We need each other. And tomorrow needs us.

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